
ODL Kitchen

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Saved by cristinacost
on March 27, 2008 at 11:22:04 am

Applying the Theory: Construction of Learning Objects





Before the face to face week workshop in Pesaro participants are asked to do a little bit of theoretic and reflexive thinking on the Discussion Forum.

The motto for this pre-session is around the topic Building Learning Objects in the 21st Century. A basic reading to support the joint reflection is available here.






By the end of this session participants will have:


  • been presented to different authoring tools (according to the participants' needs and requirements)
  • explored different features of the tools
  • reflected how they can be used in their practice
  • created an activity using one or more tool, and shared it with the group



Activities will be built around one theme: Using Web tools to create content 




Partiipants negotiated amng themselves and decide which tools they are going to explore during the day

  • Options:   
    • The entire class works togeher on the same tools
    • The class is devide into small groups accourding to individuals' interests and they work together on the tools they find more appropriate for their daily practice.     



Task 1


  1. Joint exploration of the features of the tools' features (Please refer to tools section)
  2. Brainstorm on how it can be applied in the participants' teaching reality.



Task 2


  1. Create one chunk of content ( It might focus, for instance, on one of the following skills/elements: reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, etc.)
  2. Share it with the rest of the participants.



Tools for:

Creation of static content:



Development of user-generated content and enhancement of the learning activity




Further Readings


An Introduction to Authoring Tools



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